Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blogging again! :D

Hi Hello ..

I'm gonna blogging again! YES! I feel like to sketch my life stories here!

Support me plss..! :)

What a surprised that I stopped writing till my internship story...!! while actually this lady already done her degree and stepped to career world! goodness,how time fliessss~

Lots of things happen.. All checked:

1) My eldest sis got married for almost a year and now carrying a baby in her
spaceship! left another 2 months for our very first nephew to see this challenging
2) Done my Degree in Electronics at last!
3) An assistant manager at the company that sponsored 100K during my pre-u till
Degree study.Alhamdulillah :)
4) Not yet marry~ still single ! hehe

Anyway.. I love to read other peoples' stories..their life experience, their feeling, and their bumbling..yes,to share your experience is no harm obviously..just, don't too over expose yourself !So here..!! I will share my great moments with great peoples around me! and my life journey as well!!

Hopefully! MyEm0.Com

Me with 7months preggy Mommy to be

p/s: working life is damn challenging! everything is about money! huuuh

Till here~


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trimester 2 1st week

ngn supervisor

Internship students at TM RnD la gamba internship guwe..dapat akhirnye setelah sekian lama menunggu..
1st week 2nd trimester...macam2 berlaku..ade suka ada sendu...

alhamdulillah..supervisor 4 my fyp nie dah ckp yg kami leh proceed dah ngn fyp kami..he said..everything should be ok..siap btau bila akan ade presentation,bila die nk kasik template presentation and so on..

Intern Report..
sampai sekrang x gerak2 lagi..baru 15% effort..adeh..sedih sungguh..sbb ade kekangan..bkn saje2 mau wat cpt2..say no to last minute work!

Mom warded..MyEm0.Com
the saddest news..speechless..padan la rase xsedap hati aja..hopefully nothing bad happen..sgt xbersedia dan xmahu...special thx to kwn2 yg sudi meluangkan masa teman saya..jasamu ku kenang sampai nafas terakhir..untuk doa2 kwn2 yg concern..juga sgt dihargai..cuma sy rase sy xkuat..dan sedikit sedih.

alhamdulilah..mencuba memberi sepenuh perhatian pada subjek tunggal sem 2 suka electromagnetic..semoga dptyg baik2 aje tk result kalini..EMI ni mmg kene sungguh ngn bende yg sy blaja masa prctical kat RnD..jd sy sungguh bersemangat..

and now..dalam dilema..membuat pilihan..mana yg terbaik???urgghh...

List Not To Do sem nie:

-No to last minute work
-No for wasting time
-No for disrespect friend
-No for fat,unhealthy, junk foods

List YES to do:
-YEs for treasure the Friendship with my Love ones
-YES for achieving my target
-YES for becoming a better woman
-YES for positive thinking

I MyEm0.Com my family and friends!!

Till next post..MyEm0.Com

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Internship Progress..

Alhamdulillah..done my internship at TM RnD CYberjaya...Syukur....MyEm0.Com

The environment..
Kat RnD majority the staffs there laki..woman seems to be in minority group..mana xnyer..In my divison ..only 4 of us(researcher,ast.researcher,technician and practical student which is me)are the female staffs sungguh kurang sket la ke'best'an nyer..huhuhuhu

The best thing is
My supervisor is the best supervisor ever yg mmg sgt xlokek dengn ilmu..die sgt educated,experience dan berpandangan jauh..saya sgt suka jadi supervisee die..huhu..if die jadi lecturer..mesti he might be my fav lecturer..kelas die sume dok depan je..huuhuhu..slalu gak sembg, mintk pdpt kat die..well,sgt xrugi tyer byk2..MyEm0.Com

sbb in the workspace,kt ofis area ktrg tu..I'm the only girl slalu la kene buli ngn staffs dan dak intern yg len..kdg2 buat dek je ngn dorg..huhuhu..well..yg intern skali..dorg are budak2 yg ngn me..yg pdai jugak cuma kene pdaikan diri lagi nie..mmg terasa sedikit kerdil laa..huhuhu..well,xkesah pun ape org pk pasal kite..janji bos satisfy ngn all ape lg..alhamdulillah..happy ..(kdg2 sstgh org tu perasan die je bgus wat keje kan.. org len bg die xsbgus die..well,me xheran 4 sure.msg2 ade pencapaian msg2..)..

Bila kami dak intern dpt hint utk offer keje kat sana pas graduate...actually..ade 2 jwpn terlintas dihatini..Nak dan xnak..huhu..
sembg2 ngn staff kat sana..ade pro and cons gak dorg kasik..biasela..nk gaji masyuk..kene ade xperience keje kat tmpt lain..masuk company yg best,baru la leh demand gaji tgi..dan yg best..keje kat rnd ni..bpluang terlibt ngn projek jutaan ringgit..pengalaman dan menambh pengetahuan..disamping dpt melancong smbil bekeja..(menyelam smbil minum air org melayu ckp) tue!..huhu..bak kate Mr X,plg dekat pun S'pore..huhuhu

tgkla cane..if ade rezeki..InsyaAllah..knp tidak =P..MyEm0.Com

so mase intern..slalu lepak ngn ching,kak Rai,Farzana, wani ngn aisya..kdg2 lepak gak ngn opismate..huhuh...xlupe dak intern lain cam bad, azim, dan fauzi..huhuhu.
thx friends for coloring my day tym intern kt sn..=D

Intern sy..konklusinye ialah sgt best..=D
atra gmbr intern...:(akn diupload later)

Trimester Break almost come to its end!


it just left about 4 days of happiness before the struggle trimester come..huhu..sincerely, I love Internship very exam..just relax nd 2nd Trimester...2subjects to face!

2.FYP Part 1

back to the topic..This year hari Raya 2009 is the best hari raya ever i had celebrated..received lots of Duit Raya, Lots of open house and family visits..Owh.sgt best..lagi best is I managed to puasa almost full..alhamdulillah..

List of Open house visited:

1.Umah Uncle Azhar nye parent kat Kuala Lipis
2.Umah Ayah Ji (Kuala Lipis)
3.Umah Ayah Tat(kuala Lipis)
4.Umah Makteh 2X (kelana Jaya)
5.Umah Uncle Rahman (subang Jaya)
6.Umah Aunty Zana (Raub,pahang)
7.Umah kak Intan (Keramat)
8.Umah Kak halina (Taman Dato' Senu)
9.Umah Abg Efan (Bangi)
10.Umah Iki 2X (bangi)
11.Umah Iya (Jalan DUta)
12.Umah cousin Iki (Selayang)
13.Umah hanafi (cheras)
14.Umah Nik 2X(Cheras)
15.Umah Ash tuk deepavali nyummy2(selayang)
16.Umah Manje (bandar Baru Sentul)
17.Umah Nad(shah Alam xsempat)
18.Umah Epul (Gombak)
19.Umah Zharif (Shah Alam)
20.Umah Encik Jenal Researcher TM RnD (Bangi)

dalam list tu ade yg 2X sbb dorg ajak raye lebih dari 2 kali..

so hari raya mmg sgt meriah..ade juga jemputan yg tak dpt nak p jugak..sowi year..umah wan @ aisya lak..hehe..kawan sekolah rendah,menengah and U jemput2lah dtg=D

raya ni pun maybe raya last for my eledest sis ..hmm..well..treasures the time before she owned by him..mesti2..

ape keje lagi yg tertangguh nie..:

1.all documents and files pasal project tym intern pass kat supervisor RnD..
2.Prepare intern nyer report and slide presentation
3.FYP updated proposal(yg lagi detail) to be submitted on Tue 27/10/2009 3pm
together with fyp form.

hmm..mesti siapkan..Bertangguh Itu Lenguh Aisyah!! Gambbatee neh! nanti 'Atok'mara..huhu

Pasal post lah cite..bile Azim dah kasik gamba...=D

till now..

nyte Malaysia!

Friday, October 2, 2009

My Hols! and Hari Raya!

This post is about my Hols and Raya..MyEm0.Com

On 18/9/09.. I brought my family to SG..just keen to Treat them SG..MyEm0.Comthe buffets served are very fresh and drooling..My becoming Bro in Law also brought his family to SG..hhoho.. peoples may think that it's the 2 families gathering(becoming! actually)..very enjoying although along the way to SG,the highway was very packed and we lost track, stucked in the traffic jammed..Balik umah sume bloated..sgt kenyang..dan dpt murah!

Hari Raya falls on 20/9/2009
Muslim only fasting for 29 days..went back to Kuala Lipis right afta Raya prayer..packing and depart to KL with 2 family's cars. ..Well, dis tym hari raya, not all relatives are around..ayah Tat's family and Ayah cu's family went back to kelantan,Makteh to Perak(pakteh hometown),Aunty shikin to kajang(uncle naha's hometown)..left my family,uncle Rahman's, mak Yah's and my 2 bujang's uncles at lipis..well,abah don't like long journey travel,that's why we only balik to Kuala Lipis..along the way, we drop by and beraya at other relatives' house..met Uncle Rahman's family..Arianna yg sgt cummel..and Batrisya yg dah grown up sket..both are very cute and adorable!Cummell..mcm kakak2 sedara dorg!=P and then we mkn2 lagi..!Rendang,ketupat,kuah kacang and rendang!homemade lagi!MyEm0.Com

Staying in Rest House @ Tanjung Lipis was awesome..the scenery from there is very nice and the air is refreshing..we can c Kuala Lipis from the hotel because the hotel allocated on the hill..Our diner was at my late grandmother's house..together with my 2, chatting..with my siblings..well,my mom usually,when balik kg..she always give the mandate to Us to cook..whatever we want.. the 4 of us..usually my handsome uncle/my mom's youngest bro always be part and menyibuk..huhu..Orange Tangerin tree in front of Wan's house berbuah..4 of us so excited..well,usually we bought the oranges in spuer market..especially if u wanna but the extra large size;s very rare to find in kedai buah,,but our orange tree vert excites us!..Rimbun dan lebat..all the orange are ready to be picked by us..huhu

went back to Kl afta family gathering at ayah tat's house on raya 4..along d way..drop by to aunty zana's house..well,her grandchild is older than me though!=P

reached Kl around 8.30pm..It's Adik's birthday..adik turned 20 on Raya 4..23/9/2009
her gang made a surprise visit to our house right afta we reached home..huhuhu..well,it's about 12 of them! big gang anyway..huhuhu..

then, makteh's family came and visit us on the next day,at the same tym I went to Sunway Pyramid with my best Girlfriends..skating,chatting,eating & StarBuck-ing..well..we made a record, no collapse for 1st tym skating!..huhuhu..

well..I let the pixxa tell the rest! enjoy!MyEm0.Com

at SG..with becoming BIL's family

the handsome and talkative Ikhwan


@ ayah tat's house


Arianna Nadira

Adlin Batrisya

Sunway Pyramid with manje&Nad

Pakteh& maktih's family visit

Atira Birthday surprise


Raya @ makteh's house

Orange Tangerine tree of ours!xmasam ppun..manis dan extra large size of Orange..Jual dpt byk duit nih!=P

This orange belong to Adik..she booked it 1st right afta it dropped to ground..haha

Intan's Open house!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

place that i crave to go 4 Hols!!


have u ever heard about Jakuzi??well..while browsing internet..i found out this LinK..we have Jakuzi in Malaysia...I wanna go i wanna go!!MyEm0.Com

I dream of going there with my Family members with me sponsor all of them...when it will be..?? maybe need to spend around 3K for the whole 6 of us..hmm..they also offered package for Honeymoon..Quite interesting!!MyEm0.Com

Hope...1 day i have the chance to go there..!!

well..for this ramadhan..i planned to bring my family to break fast at Flamming!! huuyeehh!!MyEm0.Com

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Love ones and the Closes!

Alrite..lets the pixxas tell who are the persons drawn deeply in my heartMyEm0.Com..Actually 1 is missing..I will revamp this post later afta i find her pic..Lets scroll the mouse!

for them, special thanks 4 appeared in my Life..coloring my days..Won't 4get the kindness poured to me,the shoulder lend to me and the shoe shared with me..4 any mistakes done by me..I'm truely Sorry..Do hope this relationship will LAST till my Final breath!MyEm0.Com
