Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Internship Progress..

Alhamdulillah..done my internship at TM RnD CYberjaya...Syukur....MyEm0.Com

The environment..
Kat RnD majority the staffs there laki..woman seems to be in minority group..mana xnyer..In my divison ..only 4 of us(researcher,ast.researcher,technician and practical student which is me)are the female staffs sungguh kurang sket la ke'best'an nyer..huhuhuhu

The best thing is
My supervisor is the best supervisor ever yg mmg sgt xlokek dengn ilmu..die sgt educated,experience dan berpandangan jauh..saya sgt suka jadi supervisee die..huhu..if die jadi lecturer..mesti he might be my fav lecturer..kelas die sume dok depan je..huuhuhu..slalu gak sembg, mintk pdpt kat die..well,sgt xrugi tyer byk2..MyEm0.Com

sbb in the workspace,kt ofis area ktrg tu..I'm the only girl slalu la kene buli ngn staffs dan dak intern yg len..kdg2 buat dek je ngn dorg..huhuhu..well..yg intern skali..dorg are budak2 yg ngn me..yg pdai jugak cuma kene pdaikan diri lagi nie..mmg terasa sedikit kerdil laa..huhuhu..well,xkesah pun ape org pk pasal kite..janji bos satisfy ngn all ape lg..alhamdulillah..happy ..(kdg2 sstgh org tu perasan die je bgus wat keje kan.. org len bg die xsbgus die..well,me xheran 4 sure.msg2 ade pencapaian msg2..)..

Bila kami dak intern dpt hint utk offer keje kat sana pas graduate...actually..ade 2 jwpn terlintas dihatini..Nak dan xnak..huhu..
sembg2 ngn staff kat sana..ade pro and cons gak dorg kasik..biasela..nk gaji masyuk..kene ade xperience keje kat tmpt lain..masuk company yg best,baru la leh demand gaji tgi..dan yg best..keje kat rnd ni..bpluang terlibt ngn projek jutaan ringgit..pengalaman dan menambh pengetahuan..disamping dpt melancong smbil bekeja..(menyelam smbil minum air org melayu ckp) tue!..huhu..bak kate Mr X,plg dekat pun S'pore..huhuhu

tgkla cane..if ade rezeki..InsyaAllah..knp tidak =P..MyEm0.Com

so mase intern..slalu lepak ngn ching,kak Rai,Farzana, wani ngn aisya..kdg2 lepak gak ngn opismate..huhuh...xlupe dak intern lain cam bad, azim, dan fauzi..huhuhu.
thx friends for coloring my day tym intern kt sn..=D

Intern sy..konklusinye ialah sgt best..=D
atra gmbr intern...:(akn diupload later)

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